Our team keeps growing!
At Chalkboard Education, team spirit is one of our core values.
We believe our people are our biggest strength, and we believe in the potential of each individual joining us. Over the past few months, Paa Kofi, currently in his 3rd year at Ashesi University, has worked as an intern in our ops team.
Why did you join Chalkboard Education?
Chalkboard Education is an intriguing company in terms of what they do and offer. I feel that at the stage the company has reached I want to be on board because it is a prime opportunity to learn a lot. I find a solution tailored towards improving education with technology quite interesting and this was one of my main motivations behind joining the team. Also, it is a tight-knit group, collaborating quite a lot and is constantly engaged and challenged, and this why Chalkboard Education was the pick to take.
What do you hope to achieve?
First and foremost I hope to transfer some of the things I have learned in my classes into the working environment and actually test if my knowledge, in theory, is actually applicable in practice. Owing to the fact that it is my first time out “on the field” I also aim to learn a lot from my superiors and co-workers and to develop my skills and effectively contribute to the firm’s programs, and to finally develop a network.
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about business development, design-thinking, web-based technologies, anything entrepreneurship-related (problem-solving) and most importantly, FOOTBALL.